Vilnius Mayor wins Ig Nobel Peace Prize for crushing illegally parked cars

Vilnius, Lithuania apparently has a problem with entitled luxury car owners who use bike lanes as their personal free parking. It’s become so widespread that the mass media have picked up on the meme of people posting photos of these parking scofflaws to social media networks.

Vilnius Mayor Artūras Zuokas decided to take action and “reminded [these drivers] of the rules” as he posted photos of a crushed Mercedes-Benz to his Facebook page:

Mayor Zuokas learned to drive an Army BTR armored personnel carrier for the task, showing drivers that “I’ve had enough of these drivers parking their luxury cars on bike lanes and pedestrian crossings. This tank is a good tool to solve the problem of parking in the wrong place.” This setup, alas, was staged, with a junked car used to represent the scofflaw.

Arturas Zuokas wins the 2011 Ig Nobel Peace Prize “for demonstrating that the problem of illegally parked luxury cars can be solved by running them over with an armored tank.”

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